Inventive ArchitectureTM
Bending the conventional, to expand the
transformational capacity of architectureArchitecture deeply impacts the way we live and work. The evolving socio-economic conditions, new age businesses, climate change and the human condition has presented us with a totally new landscape.
Inventive Architecture(IA) was developed for this pursuit: to provide answers to some of the most complex puzzles, to create elegance from chaos and to create NICHE environments that transform paradigm.
Where conventional design processes have become obsolete in taking these emerging complexities into account, Inventive Architecture provides the framework for the need of cultural shift and respond towards emerging threat.

Inventive Architecture lies in the intersection of innovation science and main stream architecture. Its purpose is simple: to not let design be limited by physical constraints and to create what is truely transformational.

Utssav Gupta
Innovation Catalyst, Author of book 'Rebound'

Strategic Innovation
Strategic innovation is about thinking LATERALLY with sharp aims toward problem solving. Transformational environments that shifts paradigm are created as a result of MULTI LAYERED STRATEGIC INNOVATIONS in different stake holding areas towards a common goal.
Take a look that the model below.

Research shows how successful companies, ventures and projects stack innovation efforts one over the other towards their aligned objectives. Using TARGETED STRATEGIES, they work towards the creating a better experience, better environment, and better efficiencies, and thus when are tightly connected, they disrupt the status quo.
This is the framework behind Inventive Architecture’s success.
Focus on what matters
With so many aspects and stakeholdings involved in a project, level of importance of each variable differs project wise as per the intended outcome.
The #1 strategy of inventive Architecture is finding what we call as the SWEET SPOT.
'Eco-system mapping' exercises leads the SWEET SPOT that bridges the business case and aspirational side. It brings out the USP of the organization, allowing design to focus on what would create most impact for the vision.
Create Human-experience:
Modern world has got noiser than ever, making it hard for organizations to create a distinguishing competitive advantage. The real way organizations are standing out are through their people centric culture that has become THE NEW FRONT END.
Its the culture that drives positive human emotion, which is governed by the experiences created by the environment. Inventive Architecture's user based dimension looks are user-centric from a cultural transformation perspective, thus creatings a steep frontend advantage for organization.

Outcome-Driven Model
What makes the approch unique is the carefully crafted road steps. specifically designed to achieve HIGH-VALUE OUTCOMES.
Difference lies in the depth, cross relations, subtle moves, integration. But most of all, its the holistic outlook and questioning the given that brings that edge in the process.