Election Museum and Education Centre

The existing architecture was all about arches, stone flooring, concrete walls, winding staircases, arch vaults going in both directions. The design was made to use theses vaults, channel the floors and assign sections to various artifacts. A lot of understanding from the curator was done to understand how the floors have to be made to showcase the artifacts of various shapes and sizes and thus bringing out the best experience required.
The same concept was conveyed to the vaulted sections. Each vault was a crisscross of arches and space was divided in such a manner that sectional zoning and free flow movement can go hand in hand. The design was more concentrated by using proper lighting, repairing the arches, exposing the old woods with highlights, manipulating the walls through paneling, creating niches to display the artifacts. It was an amalgamation of the function and the program with the existing heritage of the structure. The museum houses chronicles of the country’s historical electoral journey with artifacts, documents, photographs, maps, film exhibits, and references. Areas for audiovisuals, interactive systems, different types of display zones and public library were also designed for educative purposes.
It also has an important section in Gandhiji’s engagement with democracy, set up with the assistance of the National Gandhi Museum. A special area was dedicated to Gandhi Samiti where one can catch a glimpse of how Mahatma Gandhi propagated his view of enfranchisement in South Africa and then in India.
Careful attention was given to the movement flow in the museum for the visitors, especially the school children, who are the primary target of the election museum, to impart awareness about each and every phase of the electoral journey and its significance in Indian democracy.
The project has been a jewel in the crown of the electoral officer’s office. It was designed to house the legacy of democracy and to be the first one and may be the only one of its kind in the country.
Key features
Built in a heritage building from the 19th century and holds significant importance in the history of independence.
Houses chronicle of country's historical electoral journey with artifacts, documents, photographs, and film exhibits
Audiovisuals, interactive systems, different types of display zones and public library, round up for the contemporary finish to the project.